Re: xscreensaver capplet.

Chema Celorio wrote:
> Ok, so lets start with a list of items that we don't agree with, then we
> can discuss each one of them.
> - Wether to use or not use a preview window

Well, I've gone into a lot of detail about what I think about that.
I haven't heard your rebuttal.

> - GUI, remove most config options (in the simple mode)

We just need to agreen on a list of which options vanish in dummy-mode.
So far, I think you've only mentioned the command-line, and the colormap

> Another thing that we would like to do is beeing able to select the
> list of screensavers to choose from. I believe the list is too long
> right now and there is a lot of duplication and some screensavers that
> are not-that-great.

Ok, but let's stay on topic, here.

My top priority is getting to a state where there is only one
configurator.  That means we need to get past the hurdles related
to that.

You say that it would be nice to prune the list, or to have multiple
lists.  However, neither my configurator nor yours have that feature
at the moment.  So that can't be a reason to prefer yours over mine.

So let's add that to the list for future improvements, but deal with
it *after* the problem of there being multiple configurators is

> Can you take a look at the the GUI we have now and comment on what you
> don't agree with.

I would love to.

Where do I find x86 RPMs that I can load onto a system that is
Red Hat 7.0 plus recent Red Carpet updates?

I have never had any luck building beta GNOME stuff from source,
so if you don't have binaries, can you show me screenshots instead?

Jamie Zawinski
jwz jwz org   
jwz dnalounge com

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