Re: [gnome-women] ideas for the new OPW round and spreading the word


Since it's the first time I'm trying this, is it OK to add a marketing task to organize and translate the Greek Wiki page? Right now our wiki have old information how to translate. GNOME's wiki is huge and it's impossible to translate it 100%. But let's make a start and then continue from that point forward.

Please let me know, so I'll add the task to the page.
Thanks for your help

On 08/10/2013 02:06 πμ, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
Hi all,

We are opening an application process for the new round of the Outreach Program for Women, with an 
application deadline on November 11, and internships from December 10 to March 10. If you have an idea for a 
specific project you might like to mentor, please add it to . If you listed an idea for GSoC at , but didn't end up having a student who worked on it, please 
feel free to copy it over to the ideas page for the new OPW round.

We have all the resources for spreading the word for the new round ready at Especially if you live in the 
Southern Hemisphere, please help spread the word by sending this information to universities.



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