Re: [gnome-women] Membership committee has new members

Hi Clytie,

Clytie Siddall wrote:
> What do you need us to do?

I'll let Baris and Sankharshan go into the details, but the short
version is that the membership committee evaluates whether someone who
applies for GNOME Foundation membership gets it. They also handle
membership renewal, and keep a list of eligible foundation voters for

In the past, we've had trouble handling local user group requests and
some non-technical contributions. The tone of the membership committee
has on occasion also suffered from being a little terse/prosaic/blunt
(pick your favourite) - hopefully, bring in new members will speed up
the approval/rejection of membership requests, and give the process the
human touch it needs. There's a fine line to walk between being
all-embracing (at the risk of making GNOME foundation membership
meaningless) and pushing away potentially great members.


David Neary
bolsh gnome org

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