Re: On joining the GNOME web team...

On 09/29/2011 05:58 PM, Peter Slavek wrote:
I have attached a tarball with some mock-ups in of FoG, the Wiki and the FTP site. They are basically just re-worked copies of pages in I know you've done a mock-up of FoG already, Andreas, but I thought I'd put this forward, based on the current CSS and layout, to get the ball rolling. Maybe we could get this finished in the next week or so? It still needs a lot of work, but even if we get something on that isn't completely polished, then at least it's not the current FoG site!

In general, sweet stuff!

FTP looks cool. Slightly skeptical about the use of monospace and the current have the nicer wording of "Up to a higher level directory" instead of "Parent Directory". It would be cool with another footer, but no blocker.

Friends is a bit wordy with the corporate sponsor on the same page, if that section was moved to another page I would be happy with it.

For the wiki I've been doing a little theming work of late, but nothing finished yet. It think I need to make some edits to how the actual theme is laid out, and that needs a test instance of moinmoin.
It's possible to take it for a test spin with the current wiki by setting it in Settings > Preferences > User CSS URL. The Preferred theme needs to be set to "modern".

- Andreas

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