Re: Front page strategy and progress

Hi Carsten,

2009/6/12 Carsten Senger <senger rehfisch de>:
> Hi all,
> Here is the current text for the collage strategies on the
> <>
>> === Add content to Collage ===
>> '''Strategy 1: reference existing items''' As said Collage allows you to
>> reference existing content inside the Plone site and show it within a
>> Collage. I.e. this works fine for Top-5-News and Upcoming Top-5-Events.
>> News and Events are stored dynamics searches called ''Collection'' in
>> Plone. In a default Plone both (News and Events) Collections are
>> pre-configured on installation of a vanilla Plone. Both are having
>> already an archive. To show the top-5 (newest) news we reference the
>> collection into collage and apply a layout showing only the top 5 of the
>> listing. Providing a ''more'' link to the collection itself the visitor
>> jumps to the full-listing with archive.
>> ''PRO:''
>>  * All front-page only content (banner, etc.) in all versions from any
>> time at one place.
>>  * Editors can organize their content as they need (sub folders, etc.)
>>  * Content is better accessible for editors and not
>>  hidden in a collage/row/column structure.
>>  * Content can easily used
>>  anywhere else.
>> ''CONS:''
>>  * To add something to Collage it has to be created somewhere else. This
>>  may disturb the workflow.
>> '''Strategy 2: adding new items inside''' Collage also allows you to
>> create new contents inside a colunm object. It is useful for documents
>> (text) or images which are never used outside of Collage.
>> ''PRO:''
>>  * Better workflow.
>>  * Clearer for new editors where to find the contents.
>> ''CONS:''
>>  * Less accessible for editors.
>>  * Content is not reusable somewhere else.
> I like the better workflow of strategy 2, but I think it's more beneficial
> for GNOME to keep older versions of texts/banners if needed so I'd choose
> strategy 1 (referenced content). It will also probably make the
> translation implementation easier to have the parts as "normal" content
> items in the content space.
> What is to do for the milestone on June 17?

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