Re: New Website layout

@hylke: great work!
and since you requested comments, here are some ;) :

On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 19:32 +0200, Hylke Bons wrote:
> I made a quick overview of what the content could be like:

regarding the structure:
i like it since it is clear and easy to understand.
but in my opinion development should be a top level menu. art could be a
subgroup of development cause artwork is also kind of development
(except the gnome foundation want to push artwork more than in the past
- then it should stay top-level).
projects should only list the different software projects of gnome, like (development and art are no projects,
applications are)
top-level projects (gnome desktop, gnome mobile, ..) should be
advertised more prominently (like with banners, teaser-texts, etc.).

there should also be a download top-level menu.
"get involved" is something very important to free software and if it is
part of gnome's  philosophy it should maybe also go to the top-level?

anyway, a clearer content/menu structure (without redundant menu
entries, ...) than the current would be really nice...

another comment to your
really very nice, clear and structured. but for me a bit too loose.
maybe a border around the whole site (or around individual sections)
would hold things more together?
in the moment it looks like a newspaper where the content can fall apart
due to the lack of a border/cage.

however, i don't know if i really know since i'm not a professional
designer. just an opinion.


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