Re: Gnome Web Plone Sandbox

El 28/10/2008, a las 10:04, Murray Cumming escribió:

On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 08:25 +0100, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
Hi guys !

After the work done during the last weeks I decided to do this morning :

* Creating a WGO sandbox with the old content :
 ( already online )

* Initial writing of TODO list at

* Finishing global toplinks viewlet

Murray, I added you as a manager user so you can begin to play, if
somebody needs access just say it, I didn't moved all old users.


The site sent me a password reset email, but when I try to use the link
I see a page telling me
Disculpe, pero parece que ha realizado una petición incorrecta. Por
favor, asegúrese de que copió el URL exactamente tal cual aparece en su
correo y que introdujo su nombre de usuario correctamente.

I don't speak enough Spanish.

Switched to english and solved the reset password problem, now you should have received a new mail that sould work !


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