Re: Notes about the test site.

Cool, thanks! This belongs already to betatesting.

Let's go through this. What is good is that you are pointing out many
things that were in my mind (and Ramon's?). I'm updating accordingly.

  For most top-level pages, I guess that the page itself should be the
menu, with text describing what to expect on the page.

Professional websites don't do that, they make every page useful per
se. People willing to know more should find the way to know more. We
can put links to secondary pages in the text.

  If we have to add "see the menu at the right" in the text on every
page then this is a sign that something is very wrong.

Then I will argue that people don't read the texts.  ;)  Really if the
problem is the design/placement of the secondary navigation let's fix
that instead of finding remedies around.

Problems as a contributor:

Ok, but this is a next level. Current contributors must be a bit
patient while we are in beta work. Someone liberated could start
working on the HowTo, though. I agree it is necessary.

* The Display and Add To Folder menus are unclear and apparently
useless. It's just an invitation to break something.

You mean they are useless for the regular editors, which is probably
right. Perhaps we need to review more carefully which options these
editors can see. In the meantime a rule can be don't click what you
don't need - which is what most of us do with the tools we use.  :)

  * Full-screen button: When I use this, there is no way to get back to
non-full-screen, and no way to save my changes, so I lose data.

WorksForMe with Epiphany, worked for Ramon as well. Can you be more specific?

  * Can't create links. Clicking on the link button seems to open an
extra green box, but it is mostly under the existing (now grayed-out)
toolbar box, so I can't use it. Again, I lose data.

Again, works for me. The chain icon lets you created dynamic links to
existing wgo pages, I can select the page and press ok. The planet
icon lets you set external links introducing a URL and pressing ok.

  * Uses <br/> instead of <p></p>. This is probably a problem for
translation, which needs more information about structure.

Can you provide URL of a page with <br>s? The wysiwyg editor follows
the standards and uses <p></p>. The <br>s come probably from
copy&pastes from other places and are in fact not in the HTML but in
the visible text, rendered.

  * Related Items are not shown. This could be a useful feature.
Otherwise we need to write the links manually, which will break easily.

True, it looks like the template is ignoring this value.

  * Not obvious how to create sub-headings or otherwise define the
structure of the content on a single page. Now I see that the drop-down
box can do this, but this is not obvious. If we can't make it easier,
then we'll need a short how-to for contributors.

Mmm the Plone wysiwyg editor has more or less the same functionality
as other HTML editors and even word processors. Really, I don't see
the issue here. The HowTo is needed anyway, agreed.

Problems as a translator:

Skipping those because a) translation is currently out of scope and b)
all the translation workflow happens in the usual i18n channel. Plone
will just export/import, nobody will be translating through the Plone

Probably this is another option that regular editor shouldn't even see.

* I would like to see a list of recent changes, ideally with a diff.

This already exists at a page level and Ramon needs to install the
module to have a centralized listing with all recent changes.

There are diffs between versions. There is one detail, though. As
opposed to i.e. wikis here versions are not generated just by saving a
document. You need to specify that this is a new version. Then the
diff will be established from the last explicit version.

This is probably fine for our workflow, since we can make several
edits to a page before considering it a new version ready to be sent
to translation.

I think we are going to install a new component to work together with
the translation workflow that will have a more fine grained versioning
control, but I will let this to the experts.. The current
versioning/diff functionality is enough to release the site.

* I would like to enter a comment when I make a change, for other people
to see in that list of changes. Then they could correct my mistakes or
know that I had done something that we discussed.

You can do this when you are editing a page and then select the "Save
as new version" checkbox.

Products pages:

Skipping for the reasons mentioned above. Let's leave GNOME Products for later.

 * There are many near-duplicate pages.

Come up with specific cases and we will agree on specific solutions.

* There are so many duplicates that someone needs to go through and make
a detailed list, so we can choose which ones to combine.

There are not so many pages. Most of the dupes happen within pages of
a same section, this is why it is good to have one godfather for each
section. You can start picking up the dupes in your section and
deciding what goes where. I just ask you not to delete any pages
before discussing such major change before.

* It would be nice to have a spell-check button when editing pages.

Your browser probably does this already.  :)

Quim Gil ///

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