Re: mild tweaks to legal credits on foundation web page

Hi Luis,

Le mardi 20 mars 2007, à 11:51, Luis Villa a écrit :
> In googling for some information for a blog post I just put up, I
> noted that we say 'Legal services provided by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich
> & Rosati' on the bottom of:
> Can I suggest that (1) it say 'pro bono legal services provided by'
> (2) that the firm name be a hyperlink to their website and (3) given
> what Jeff just announced on foundation-list, SFLC be added after WSGR?

I've done this.

> It might also be nice to add a pair of similar links/credits/thanks to

Do we want a small paragraph or just a small sentence? (and feel free to
write it ;-))


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