Re: status

У пет, 16. 02 2007. у 13:07 +0100, Murray Cumming пише:

> > On development, I need some help with XSLT to make output look as on
> > mockups I did
> What files should people look at? URL links to our svn web pages would
> be nice.

Sure, db2html.xsl[1] is overriding styles defined in Shaun's
gnome-doc-utils styles for converting docbook to HTML. What's necessary
is to have TOC on every page and to have previous/next navigation bar.
There are also issues with some cross-referenced links going to
yelp://... instead to other HTML page.

Other file is gtk-doc.xsl[2], overriding default style for converting
gtk-doc documents to HTML. There are also issues with links to other
documents, like linking to glib API from epiphany API. I don't know to
which version of glib API documentation should links go and how to fix
this issue. It will be ugly just to remove outside links, but that can
work for now.


> >  and I need to integrate gettext support for static content
> > (index pages for browsing documentation).
> Is that a python coding task?

Yes it is, it is necessary so one can browse localized documentation
using localized website, and it is not a major programming task. I think
it will be irritating for translation teams to go live without this
feature enabled.

Goran Rakic

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