Re: status

У нед, 11. 02 2007. у 17:07 +0000, Joachim пише:
> - The SoC guy who was working on it has vanished

Last time I checked, I was still here, reachable on this email address.
Anyway, I take all the blame for not comunicating with others as I

I should update GnomeWeb/Library wiki page but I still do think that
everything can be done for 2.18 release. 

On development, I need some help with XSLT to make output look as on
mockups I did and I need to integrate gettext support for static content
(index pages for browsing documentation). After that, there is nothing
major stoping us to put library-web on as Danilo
suggested some time ago.

Goran Rakic
aka "The vanished"

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