Re: status

On 2/11/07, Quim Gil <quimgil gmail com> wrote:
On 2/11/07, Joachim <joachim gnome googlemail com> wrote:
Right. Here:

Who "owns" this project now? Documentation team?

I assume so, but you'd have to ask Shaun. IIRC he was mentoring the SoC guy.

> > -
> that's in SVN, under a totally non-obvious module name.

The whole dgo is in svn, I guess you mean somewhere else.

No, that could be it. Keeping the development version of this in a
website module is probably what struck me as weird.

> There's the GDP's style guide and handbook, but again they are in SVN,
> and fresher verrsions than what dev.g.o carries.

Can you find out where, please?

The library.g.o code should know about this and pull the text from the
repository, AFAIK.

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