Secondary Navbar

Hi list,

Sorry I've been close to missing last month.
I saw recent checkins in the gnometheme product for implementing the secondary navigation bar for the plone theme.

I know this is still a work in progress but I already have a few remarks to address. I also hope I'll have a few hours this afternoon/evening/week to help improving it:

- in 'gnometheme/skins/gnome_custom_templates/':

I see some redundant code that might be expensive (define selected_tabs and selected_portal_tab)
  this code should reside in a wrapper to make it called only once.

- in 'gnometheme/skins/gnome_scripts/':

Calculating the secondary nav bar with restrictedTraverse() and getFolderContents() is also very expensive. Another problem wit that method is that we'll have to reinvent the way the second navbar will play with default
  pages and linguaplone (when needed).
  The second navbar should be done from a catalog query.
Ideally, I think we could get inspired by the way the navtree works to adapt it to our needs.
  I'll try to strart that work ASAP to show the way.

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