Re: How to make GNOME THeme working ?

On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 13:00 +0100, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> The main page product is a simple way to define a folder with images
> that can be banners, splash, .... to decide which project apear on the
> front page and to recollect the different planet/news rss to show them
> on the web. The idea would be to move it to use some rss stuff that
> actually exists. I try to fix it today. 
> Ramon

When you say move it to some rss stuff that exists do you mean a Plone3
Product for rss stuff? Or Upgrading CMFSin for 3.0 compatibility? I
installed CMFSin as a Product in Plone3 and it didn't seem to cause too
much trouble. If it's usable then it would have to be added to the
productdistro list in base.cfg.

Christopher Warner

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