Re: [PATCH] Fix deprecation warning due to 'BrowserView' importing

I'm the guy that wrote that code and I say that the patch is fine.

However, as Murray said, this code is no longer needed. I'll ty to get
a GNOME svn account and move all Products related code (which are
customizations) into an external egg named gnome.products

This, ATM, looks like the best solution to me. Thanks for the patches
anyway because they allow us to get rid of some annoying warnings.

On 12/13/07, Baiju M <baiju m mail gmail com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I have attached a patch for fixing deprecation warning due to
> 'BrowserView' importing.  Please review it.
> Regards,
> Baiju M

Simone Deponti
- Oh wait, which ones are we Linux guys again, Rebels or Empire?
- Microsoft is the Empire. Apple is the Rebels. We are the Ewoks.

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