Re: index

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У нед, 29. 04 2007. у 23:26 +0200, Frederic Peters пише:
> I spent some time within libgo source code but it looks
> overcomplicated and not bandwidth friendly, I fixed a few things,
> hardcoded other ones as to avoid network usage (such as ['2.18'] in
> __liststable method) but I am thinking about giving up and going
> through jhbuild instead.

Well, I didn't have any feedback on design from anybody yet, but I do
think it scales nice. What you would like to change besides going to
jhbuild instead FTP?

Going the jhbuild path is not possible for three reasons: 1) we need to
build docs for API references too, 2) disk usage as Olav noted and 3) we
need to build docs for modules that are not part of any GNOME release

About banwidth usage, you can ***work offline*** using partial mirror of
GNOME FTP (starting from 2.18, every latest stable tarball). You can
create this mirror using patched gftp driver (in -attachement- [1], just
change self.mirror value at line 58 to your path). After mirror is
generated, you can switch to gftpimg driver with --ftp=/location
argument where location is path used for generating mirror. Nice thing
is that you don't need every module mirrored, just ones that you want to
work with. So if you have just one tarball in mirror (and correct dir
structrure), this one tarball will be used.

I'm also -attaching- ([2]) JavaScript and
HTML code for language selector that can override browser setting using
cookie. I'm looking for any coments on this. This need to be integrated
into XSLT.



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