Re: wgo Iteration I

> it's possible to create a main_template and some basic templates

Do you mean we can have several templates prepared for secondary pages
and editors could choose a template when creating a page? For instance,
having 5 templates for case studies so they don't look all the same. 

This would make wgo nicer. Editors could still be able to pick a "Empty
body template" and compose the body inside inserting images etc, but
lazy editors could just pick a template according to the materials
available (i.e. short text and 2 pictures) and go for it.

Or am I misunderstanding the "template" thing?

On Sun, 2006-11-05 at 18:04 -0800, Kevin Teague wrote:
> Not sure if everyone has seen Alan's "notes from the peanut gallery":

Thanks for the link. Well, the good thing about having a(t least one)
Plone developer in the house is that you can ask him to come with a
consistent plan. This is what Ramon is doing these days.

He is taking care of adding only the products we need and have all the
customizations well isolated, or at least located, in order to have a
clear path to upgrades.

> What is the wgo plan for integrating the public wgo skin and the  
> stock plone content authoring interface?

The public pages need to match our agreed plans in terms of layout and
look&feel, but then we can rely on the supported Plone themes for all
the rest not visible to the public, no problem.

PS: Oh my, Kevin you are indeed working with *Genome*!  :)

Quim Gil ///

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