Re: Drupal as candidate to be challenged

Hi, list!

I just stumbled across a potential alternative, so I thought I'd share
this with you.

The main point: I18n/Localisation seems to be build in. For more
explanations, see here:

However, a few other short notes:

 * _All_ links seem to be of the format *site*/root/*to/the/page* which
   should be easy to redirected to *site*/*to/the/page*.html

 * The demo is rather impressive from my 'beginner-without-a-clue'
   point of view, see

   I've just tested Drupal once, but this one looks easier.

 * Easy user and other stuff administration. For a complete feature
   list, see here:

 * It's build using a MVC pattern, and a seperate template engine: 

   Tweaking the layout to our needs shouldn't involve too many changes
   -- in fact, it should be rather easy.

The disadvantages (so far):

 * It seems to be a rather young project with its main developers from

 * I didn't find the license yet but it's hosted on sourceforge.


On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 14:36:50 +0100
Quim Gil <qgil desdeamericaconamor org> wrote:

> Localisation was my last concern about using Drupal for the wgo
> management. After seeing how the i18n module works, I have no more
> concerns. In my opinion Drupal has proved to be the best candidate we
> have so far.
> I suggest from now on we consider it our platform for the wgo revamp.
> The debate is still open and if there are unsolved concerns they need to
> be discussed. But at least it would be good to have a default candidate
> to be challenged by better proposals.
> -- 
> Quim Gil -

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