Re: Translatable Docbook and Gnome Tour


Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with my exams.

Last Monday at 13:35, Murray Cumming wrote:

> Danilo, I'm trying to add some docbook->po->docbook->html generation to
> gnomeweb-wml, so we can have a full GNOME tour at, a
> bit like the release notes.

Great, I'll see where I can help.

> I remember that you did the xml2po Makefile stuff in
> releng/2.x/2.10rnotes, and you said that it would have been easier with
> a different directory structure. 

It'd be easier if you just re-use all the stuff from gnome-doc-utils,
like the makefile in there.  I'll first need to check-out entire
gnomeweb-wml/ first if I want to be able to test this (because of
./, and I don't want to change SUBDIRS in any of the's).

> I've added some stuff to gnomeweb-
> wml/tour. Could you take a look, and maybe even modify your stuff so
> that it generates the html for translated stuff?

Sure, I'll see what I can do, though it should be fairly simple once I
get the entire site building for me :)

> At the moment, it just builds the english html with "make html" in
> tour/.
> Try not to make it do anything in the default build target, in case we
> break the build.

Ok, I'll be very careful in whatever I do.


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