Re: New splash for

On 6/12/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
> Had some spare time yesterday, so I put together a new splash for
> This could point to the gnome-love project and would
> hopefully attract some new developers. Maybe it could even be put on
> Coordinated with this, it would be nice with some
> news items on gnomedesktop and some people mention it on Planet Gnome.
> What do you think?

I like the looks, but not the message(s).

"I miss you" conveys the message that GNOME isn't getting attention
(or is neglected, unused or some other bad thing).

"When is the last time you gave GNOME some love" seems to imply that
the viewer has some obligation to GNOME that they are not fulfilling.

The audience we are trying to reach is probably not involved with
GNOME in any way except as a user (and maybe not even that), so we
basically need to sell them on the idea of contributing.  I realize
this sounds a litle trashy but thats just the way it is.

I think the semantics should be along the lines of:

* This is an opportunity to contribute to (or join) a fun and exciting
* Getting involved is easy
* Anyone can do it.

IMO anyways.


Tom von Schwerdtner
Etria, LLP ::
Baltimore, MD

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