Translatable Docbook and Gnome Tour

Danilo, I'm trying to add some docbook->po->docbook->html generation to
gnomeweb-wml, so we can have a full GNOME tour at, a
bit like the release notes.

I remember that you did the xml2po Makefile stuff in
releng/2.x/2.10rnotes, and you said that it would have been easier with
a different directory structure. I've added some stuff to gnomeweb-
wml/tour. Could you take a look, and maybe even modify your stuff so
that it generates the html for translated stuff?

At the moment, it just builds the english html with "make html" in

Try not to make it do anything in the default build target, in case we
break the build.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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