Re: real marketing or just catchy slogans?

> If I go to and I have no idea what it is
> what do I do, if I go to 'About GNOME' I see GNOME is ... (Free,
> supported,
> organised. All these things are useful to know but not exactly what I (the
> non-technical user want)) but what is (and how do we write about) GNOME in
> non-technical terms.
> So, stage one: I would suggest cleaning up the Home-page and the seven
> other
> main pages (about GNOME, Developers, Support). Firstly just have three
> (maybe four) things on the Homepage of; a big splash image, a
> brief (under or around 75 words) introduction/some quick information that
> leads into the About GNOME page and some news on the side. Move the 'GNOME
> developers book' to the Developers section, move the friends of GNOME to
> the
> foundation section, I don't mind the 'buy a GNOME shirt' and I cant think
> of
> anywhere to put this so I say we leave it in, as News I say we use " GNOME
> 2.12 is released!" with a shorter description, and last (but probably the
> most important) a brief description of GNOME, something like this:
> What is GNOME?
> GNOME is a free desktop environment built to be stable, easy to use,
> efficient, attractive and customizable. GNOME comes with essential
> applications so you can: write documents, send and receive emails, browse
> the web, code, draw and manipulate images and pictures. GNOME is available
> in more than 40 languages, come with most Linux and Unix distributions.
> You
> can try out GNOME on a Live CD or build it from its source.
> To find out more go to About GNOME.
> So just a suggestion, made by a couple of people and me on the web list.

I found your emails in the gnome-web-list archive. I'll try to follow them
up. Don't give up on these things when you don't at first get a response.

> btw. I have been working on a revamped and still am but seem to
> have no time but just removing some of the text on the homepage would be
> make the page much more friendly to new users and regular users as well.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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