real marketing or just catchy slogans?

I have to agree about the roadmap idea that Sriram Ramkrishna had. Yes, we do have the 10x10 goal but we need to be more specific. We need to consolidate and create a game plan for the year ahead (2007). We need to work out what we can improve on (the negative reviews, etc.) and work out how. Catchy slogans are great but who will hear them, how do we get people to learn about GNOME. If I go to and I have no idea what it is what do I do, if I go to 'About GNOME' I see GNOME is ... (Free, supported, organised. All these things are useful to know but not exactly what I (the non-technical user want)) but what is (and how do we write about) GNOME in non-technical terms.
So, stage one: I would suggest cleaning up the Home-page and the seven other main pages (about GNOME, Developers, Support). Firstly just have three (maybe four) things on the Homepage of; a big splash image, a brief (under or around 75 words) introduction/some quick information that leads into the About GNOME page and some news on the side. Move the 'GNOME developers book' to the Developers section, move the friends of GNOME to the foundation section, I don't mind the 'buy a GNOME shirt' and I cant think of anywhere to put this so I say we leave it in, as News I say we use " GNOME 2.12 is released!" with a shorter description, and last (but probably the most important) a brief description of GNOME, something like this:

What is GNOME?

GNOME is a free desktop environment built to be stable, easy to use, efficient, attractive and customizable. GNOME comes with essential applications so you can: write documents, send and receive emails, browse the web, code, draw and manipulate images and pictures. GNOME is available in more than 40 languages, come with most Linux and Unix distributions. You can try out GNOME on a Live CD or build it from its source.
To find out more go to About GNOME.

So just a suggestion, made by a couple of people and me on the web list.

btw. I have been working on a revamped and still am but seem to have no time but just removing some of the text on the homepage would be make the page much more friendly to new users and regular users as well.

Hugh Buzacott

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