Re: wgo/press/index.html update [gnumeric make problems]

On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 10:22 -0400, Jody Goldberg wrote:

> In the same vein the gnome-office pages appear to have disappeared.
> They're in module
>     gw-web
> Any idea why ?

Yes. :(

    We're not at home to Mr Cock-up.
    -- Baldrick, from Black Adder, _Head_

Owen discovered that memprof was missing from w.g.o on August 13.  I
looked around and concluded that gnomeweb-wml was regenerated into a new
directory instead of overlaying the old content.  I couldn't find the
old directory to retrieve the content.  We had been discussing altering
the site generation script to remove pages as we remove them from cvs.
I think someone leaped without looking (and Owen had sent an email
reminding us to preserve the extra content)

So Owen updated the memprof cvs script to regenerate it into w.g.o.  I
put back the missing guides in learn (and the PDFs are broken).  So I
think we need to locate the missing gnome-office pages and put them

Jeff is/did setup the gnome-user-docs as it's own tree that is aliased
into w.g.o so we wont suffer the loss of important docs again.  We
should have all modules generate into their own directories so that they
can manage their content without fear of Mr Cock-up paying us a visit.

We really need a list of everything that is missing and a clue where we
might find them to put them back.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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