Re: Getting Started Again: Design Goals

<quote who="Amy Kahn">

> Hey gnome web hackers and designers! It looks like we're ready to get
> the ball rolling on the new website...we're looking to launch
> the new site in time for LWE.


The ball is already rolling. I've been doing a huge amount of work on the
site for quite some time. It was intended to be finished for the 2.0.0
release, but it probably won't be 100% ready. LWE sounds like a good

We were unable to do a this work without a base to build upon, as we had a
fairly large group, and not a lot of agreement on how to go ahead.  Building
the framework with a single vision, and then putting it out for everyone to
'fix' is the quite often the best method when handling large, distributed

[ I thought I could do this fairly quickly, but there was a ton of work
(especially with release stuff going on as well), and we had some fairly
lofty goals (especially with regards to i18n). ]

I think you'll be satisfied that your list of points are all well covered.

Hopefully I can launch that in the next couple of weeks, and we can all
pitch in to port the current content over. That will also give us a chance
to mark off the areas that are lacking, and fill those in afterwards.


- Jeff

   "Debian is not as minor as many business end people think." - Alan Cox   

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