Re: Status and whats the staus?

<quote who="Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller">

> While we have been irc some I thought we should do a more formal
> status update and list some challenges.
> First of all drfickle is making good progress on the new software map
> and hopefully it be fully operational in the next 14 days.


> Not sure if we have had any real movement on the new site design
> recently, digitect do you have an update for us?

I've been feeding him some (controversial) requirements as I've been working
on the architecture.

> As for Gnotices there are a few issues I hope Michael Bernstein or
> someone else can look at soon.
> The first issue might not really be a Squishdot problem, but the
> updating of story headlines to often fails in the sense
> that the headlines disapear from the frontpage.

This is probably not a huge priority, Gnotices (in its current form) will
disappear at some stage.

> The next issue is getting a proper calendar in place, the current one
> viewable on the Gnotices site points to a old and very outdated page at
> Martin Bauligs homepage. There is also a calendar in GNOME CVS which is
> not very well maintained. Think a calendar where everyone can submit
> events through a web interface (with moderation) is what we need.

Part of the new news system does this, but I'll have a look at the code
already in CVS. Whereabouts is it?

> We also still need a search engine set up on

Is this a huge priority if we're basically going to pull it all out and
start again anyway?

On my end, things are going well, and I'm pretty sure I'll have everything
ready to roll for the GUADEC talk in April. It's looking pretty slick, and
*very* easy to author.

- Jeff

    "Stay away from my house, you freak! Can't you see that everyone is     
             buying station wagons?" - Neal Stephenson, ITBWTCL             

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