Re: cvs and stuff

On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 12:08:34PM +0100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Paul Cooper">
> Whilst I was once an avid supporter of Smarty, I think it's a bad decision
> in the long run. It's gone from a nice, simple PHP-based templating system
> into a language unto itself, which is crazy.
> Given that the GNOME Project has Daniel Veillard and libxml/xslt already,
> and that the next versions of PHP will include libxslt support, couldn't we
> use a real standard, that happens to have a C-based processor behind it?
> It doesn't chain us to PHP, it gives us some excellent potential for i18n
> (xml-i18n-tools, or intltools now), and allows us to reel in data from any
> source that provides XML output (I'm doing this with bugzilla at the
> moment).

Well I've never used smarty so I can't comment on it's suitability.  
However I have used xml + xslt (sablotron) in PHP and really like the
setup. As yet I haven't got libxslt support in PHP to compile right yet
but the new xslt interface is nice.

I would suggest this may only be needed by a few areas of the site - I
mean on a dynamic basis - the rest could be authored in xml then
'compiled' into a static page. Seems to be (roughly) how things are done

> Beyond that argument, perhaps we need to come up with a status report, and a
> list of everything that has been decided, things pending, and a list of each
> piece of the website we're putting together.

I agree. Some thoughts;

I think we started to get a design nailed down (or did we? ;-) I just 
can't find a URL in the archives.  

The software map is close to being replaced - there is a new trove based 
verions by steve fox, see

The gnotices squishdot has been patched and improved. The trove needs to 
create an rss feed and squishdot/zope needs to add rss syndication to 
display this. (steve fox, micheal r berstein)

Also noticed a message in the archives from Christian Schaller about 
short-term v long-term. One of the short term items was a search engine 
for the site and I think Joshua Eichorn has done some work on this. Any 
other short term stuff?

Can we get as much of this in cvs as possible?

What have I forgotten?


> Thanks,
> - Jeff
> -- 
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Paul Cooper                             |  Tel: 0121 331 7858
Senior Programmer and Database Engineer |  Fax: 0121 331 7859
UCEcom                                  |  mailto:pgc ucecom com
University of Central England           |
Birmingham, B4 7DX                      |

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