Re: cvs and stuff

<quote who="Paul Cooper">

> I've not been able to pay much attention recently (family things) and now
> that I can help I've lost track of who's doing what and what needs to be
> done.

Hey, I've just returned to the list too... not realising that I'd been
unsubscribed! :o

I'm going to be doing a lot of work on the website as part of the release
team and publicity side of things, so I'm disappointed I missed out on a
little bit of stuff. It seems to have been quiet until a couple of weeks
ago, according to the archives.

Mucho hacking to be done!

> What are we using for site development? I seem to remember that there was
> some consensus / compromise for using php, mysql, and smarty templates. Do
> we have a set of coding standards or naming conventions?

Hrm. I hate to open this kettle of worms (to mix metaphors)...

PHP and mysql are pretty much given. mysql is already on the servers, and
it's a hassle for Owen & Co. to deal with changing software around and new
things, so it looks like we're stuck with it for the time being.

Whilst I was once an avid supporter of Smarty, I think it's a bad decision
in the long run. It's gone from a nice, simple PHP-based templating system
into a language unto itself, which is crazy.

Given that the GNOME Project has Daniel Veillard and libxml/xslt already,
and that the next versions of PHP will include libxslt support, couldn't we
use a real standard, that happens to have a C-based processor behind it?

It doesn't chain us to PHP, it gives us some excellent potential for i18n
(xml-i18n-tools, or intltools now), and allows us to reel in data from any
source that provides XML output (I'm doing this with bugzilla at the

Beyond that argument, perhaps we need to come up with a status report, and a
list of everything that has been decided, things pending, and a list of each
piece of the website we're putting together.


- Jeff


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