Site structure meeting?

I was wondering if we should set a meeting time to discuss site

Tromping through it all in laborious emails may not get us to a quality
solution very quickly, if at all. I propose we set up a meeting time in
next week to discuss. Maybe we could do it periodically if it ends up
helping us.

Based on the most excellent time zone map (provided as first choice by
we might calculate that an optimal meeting time for the team would be

U: 6:00am
T: 7:00am
S: 8:00am
R: 9:00am
A: 3:00pm
I: 11:00pm (Not sure exactly where our South-East Hemisphere Unit is ;)

Does that cover everybody? (Please nobody be in Malasia.) Looks like we
could roll these forward an hour or so if the U folks tend not to be
morning people, unless, of course, the S.E. unit likes to go to bed
before 1pm.

Anyway, just trying to be helpful. If /me is being too fascist, direct
flames or other suggestions to:

Steve Hall  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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