Re: My first stab at the site

<quote who="Joakim Ziegler">

> I think a minimum of forum type functionality will be enough. Slash is
> definitely overkill, and even Squishdot is a little complex for what we
> typically will want to do. 

I'm glad you said that Joakim. :)

I've actually been impressed with the way conversations work in Advogato's
threadless "forums"... Now, whether this is simply a matter of audience, I'm
not sure, but I feel the lack of threads lends a discipline you don't see on
slashdot, nor Gnotices (yes, good name) at the moment.

Of course, you have to be known and certified too, but how many trolls could
be bothered with their "you suck" responses in a threadless forum? :)

(Certainly whatever we have should be script-zapping and not have a "post
image" feature.)

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

           If Perl is gaffer, and Python Magic Tape, then Ruby is           
                         self-adhesive plate gold.                          

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