Re: Monthly check in

Steve Hall (digitect) wrote:

It's been a month since we've had any traffic. By my reading of the
archives we were still trying to decide:

1. Implementation language. (PHP was suggested, is this final?)
2a. Database needed?
2b. What Database implementation?
3a. Gnotices needed? (The issue has been raised ;)
3b. Gnotices moderation method

If we moderat then we could become libale for the content of the comments. I think that leaves us 3 choices: Slashdot type meta-moderation / no comments / no moderation.

meta-moderation needs a much more active board to work.

no comments might be a little cold but are comments needed on an anouncement list?
no moderation trolls seem to come and go. Long-ago I stoped looking at 
the comments on Gnotices because of trolls, I just went back and did a 
quick lookie loo, over all it did not look over run with trolls.
Resolved issues include:

* Navigation structure
* Page design

Where is the template?????

* Delivered pages should validate (at least HTML 4.01)


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