Re: Comp.

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 05:18:39PM -0500, Ryan Muldoon wrote:

> That sounds good.  I'm also still a proponent of each section having its
> own variation of the color scheme...

We could do that with the colored stripe, which is red on my comp, and
possibly with some other trim/highlighting colors.

> I completely agree here....I want to make sure that the site won't look
> "stale" if it doesn't get updated every minute.
> I'm big into making sites that are maintainable.....too many sections
> that require lots of fresh content will just end up
> stagnating.  BUT, I still think that we can use the gnotices icons on
> the re-listing of articles on the main page.

Yes, that's likely. The thing is, I'm currently concerned about making a
design, layout and structure that will allow us to get all the information we
have across to the user. Inventing a weekly feature article or other
work-demanding parts of the site at this point is somewhat misplaced. I know,
I did it with the developer interviews on the current site, of which there
is exactly one, which I did originally, and it's been dormant ever since (not
that I don't think it's a good idea to pick up the idea again. KDE borrowed
that idea for their site, and have been following it up. Their stuff goes on
LinuxToday and whatnot, too.)

>> The (very) light grey was mainly chosen so it would be possible to do
>> highlights on it (there's a very slight bevel along the top and
>> lefthand
>> side, for instance). It might be that white will work better, though.
>> As for
>> the other colors, I found it difficult to use that many different
>> ones, and
>> the cream and red seemed to work well with the logo and so on.

> I'll see if I can come up with a decent suggestion for the other colors,
> but I would definitely like to just see white
> for the background.  it is clean, bright, and pretty much everything is
> easy to read on it.

I'm not sure if the argument holds for that grey, though. It's so close to
white (8 levels removed, at the most, I think), that the variation between
different monitors' brightness level is vastly larger than the difference
between that and white. So I don't think readability suffers in any
measurable way.

>> Yeah, the width of the page was my main reason for putting it below.
>> The page
>> should ideally scale to 640x480, and the navbar will be hard to wrap
>> with the
>> design in that comp.
> I definitely understand the constraints.....but it does seem a little
> odd to have the search bar dangling like that.
> My guess is that it will look even weirder in subsections.

It might need to be moved somehow in the subsections. After all, most people
will access the search function from the front page (searching is one of the
major access patterns of a site).

Joakim Ziegler - Ximian web monkey - joakim ximian com - Radagast IRC
  FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer -

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