Re: Localized Pages

> We shouldn't make things harder on the users of Gnome website just
> because the technology might mess up 1% of the time.
> The solution to me seems to auto detect the browsers default language,
> and provide a link if we dectected wrong, or the user wants a different
> language.

I agree. Let's not alienate a whole bunch of users just because of a
technical difficulty. We want the world to use the desktop--let's build it
in from the beginning.

At the same time, selecting a different language/site should be through our
as yet-to-be-designed international foot symbol. It could point to a sort of
global page with more explanation about language support in addition to
actual redirection locations. Anyone actually getting this far is easily the
most likely to be able to help advance internationalization in the first
place. We should take advantage of the traffic. Let's avoid a tacky drop
down box with a zillion languages and localizations on the front page.

One of the most appealing things about GNOME for me is its cross-cultural
flavor. It's one of our strengths. Let's acknowledge it and solve the
technical problem.

(BTW, are we gonna have to discuss which flavor of English we're going to
use?  :)

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