Re: Localized Pages

Felipe Contreras wrote:

I vote for KISS, if someone doesn't understand enlgish should not be using
computers, al least not linux,

Oh, thanks for your clueful comment. I guess this about "world domination" was just stupid then, after all, we want a desktop environment for just English-speaking people. F**k the rest.

The rest of the world that doesn't know English is, after all, too stupid to use computers. But... oh wait... they make computers in Japan and Taiwan too, places where people are not so fluent with English. Well, I guess that must be some mistake. They couldn't be that smart, only English-speaking people are smart enough to use computers.

Hell, for the sake of it, only experienced users should be able to use Linux! But... oh wait, why do we develop a 'desktop environment' then? That must be a mistake... then we'll only get those stupid lusers over here! We must make GNOME a command-line environment right now! Stop usability tests and easy-to-use software!

so I vote for not to worry so much on it.
Let's design the site for internationalization, but don't worry so much.
aLet's add a voting booth, and then the users will decide how important is
the new gnome site in different languages.

PD. Sorry about my english.

You don't speak perfect English? You must be stupid! I hope you don't use GNU/Linux, the OS said to be only for smart and English-speaking people! Oh the horror!


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