Re: initial structure ideas

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 11:17:12PM +0500, Ryan Muldoon wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > You do not suggest how we are going to make use of the excellent 
> > URL.  Do you have any ideas in this area?
> > 
> > -Shawn
> Sorry about that - I definitely think that we should make use of
> It shouldn't end up being a redirect to, as someone else suggested,
> though.  It would seem to me that should be designed in a like manner
> to the gnome site(s).  But only the main page needs to be  After looking
> over as it is now, it basically has the following:
> 1. developer documentation
> 2. language bindings
> 3. download
> 4. outdated software map
> 5. screenshots

Actually, take a look at  I started to redo the
site and then stopped, but it is a much better starting place for
discussion I believe.

I've already assumed that we are going to throw away the outdated
freshmeat stuff.  

> I think that everything on this list should be integrated with the GNOME content.
> As you suggest, if we do this, the anti-gnome sentiment will probably die down
> if people are introduced to both development environments at once.  You are
> definitely correct to want to make good use of, as I am sure that
> a lot of people go to that when they want information on GTK+.  So, in summary,
> basically what we should do it have it as an alternate starting point to the
> gtk/gnome developer documentation, the software map, and then you can maintain
> the ftp server separately, as you wanted to.  How does this idea sound to you?  

Yes, this sounds like a good path.  What I'd like to do is keep 
things like the GTK+ reference materials under the url,
and the gnome stuff can jump to  But the
two will be highly integrated.  One site, two entry points.  I
like it.


Shawn T. Amundson                       amundson eventloop com	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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