Re: Languages and backends.

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 11:16:01PM -0600, Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> > Simple server-side includes.  Some custom scripts that run via cron,
> > written in perl I think.  
> Sounds trivial to move to whatever we end up with, if we should want to.

It will be trivial.

> >> Now, what we're looking at is to try to unify these sites as much as
> >> possible, both design, generation and maintenance wise (with the possible
> >> exception of, I'm still a little unclear as to the level of
> >> integration the GTK+ people want. Once again, it'd be good to get some more
> >> info). The ideal situation would be to settle on one scripting/generation
> >> language, one way to generate everything, etc., and have this one unified
> >> model be simple for people to set up and develop for.
> > I would like to be fully integrated by this web team such
> > that it is maintained along side the other sites.
> Ok, that sounds good. Would you like a rework of the design and page layout
> as well? Would you prefer if it remained visually and navigationally distinct
> from the GNOME sites, or would you like that to be unified?

Yes, I expect the site to look nothing like it does now and it can
be unified as much as it makes sense to fully promote GTK+ and


Shawn T. Amundson                       amundson eventloop com	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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