Re: Languages and backends.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 09:03:36PM -0600, Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> (?):
> Shawn, could you enlighten us as to what uses to store and
> generate its content?

Simple server-side includes.  Some custom scripts that run via cron,
written in perl I think.  

> Now, what we're looking at is to try to unify these sites as much as
> possible, both design, generation and maintenance wise (with the possible
> exception of, I'm still a little unclear as to the level of
> integration the GTK+ people want. Once again, it'd be good to get some more
> info). The ideal situation would be to settle on one scripting/generation
> language, one way to generate everything, etc., and have this one unified
> model be simple for people to set up and develop for.

I would like to be fully integrated by this web team such
that it is maintained along side the other sites.


Shawn T. Amundson                       amundson eventloop com	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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