Re: Statistics and machines

What you really want to do is get an non-logfile website analyzer
like the, available at

But maybe i'm a little biased :)

Leonid Mamtchenkov wrote:
> Hello Owen Taylor,
> Once you wrote about "Statistics and machines":
> OT>  * I'm somewhat suspicious of how Analog is determining 'pages'
> OT>    here - the page/request ratio it reports is about 1:40, but
> OT>    grepping for non-image requests in the logs seems to
> OT>    make it more like 1:20. I think it might be not counting
> OT>    PHP pages as pages. I think a more accurate figure is ~70-80,000
> OT>    page views a day.
> You might want to try Webalizer... the good thing is that it works pretty
> much out of the box.  Download/check out here -
> You can see the sample output from one of the old versions here:
> ... I have heard that now it can do some more nice
> things...
> --
>  Best regards,
>  Leonid Mamtchenkov
>  E-mail: leonid leonid maks net
>  URL:
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Mark Koopman  
Software Engineer


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%contact_info = (
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   'p' => '858.546.1182.ext.318',
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