Integrating 'G' Web Sites

(I'm posting this again, as there seemed to be some problem
with the first posting. Sorry if I'm unwillingly spmming! ;)

I'd like to hear what you guys think of something like
a collection of all 'G' projects. Let me explain: & & & &
(& many others), content should be glued somehow. A perfect
solution would be having a highly modular website, with common
look and fell while allowing individual projects to handle their own

I think putting all this under's umbrella would encounter
some resistance. The arguments and reasons could be of the kind:
'Gnome was born from Gtk, not the other way around!' or
'Gnome people didn't write Gimp!'. Not that I agree with them but
I believe they would come up and stand.

What do you think of something like or
(or some other name) that would glue them all together?

I think this would more easily identify the boundaries of each project
and the way they play together. Besides stressing our roots (GNU, in
case you'd forgot :)

What do you guys think???

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