RE:Integrating 'G' Web Sites

cleberrrjr bol com br writes:
>What do you think of something like or
>(or some other name) that would glue them all together?
>I think this would more easily identify the boundaries of each project
>and the way they play together. Besides stressing our roots (GNU, in
>case you'd forgot :) 
>What do you guys think???

	I am in favor of a web site for the G-sites unification project. 
	Optimally, the unification page could host such resources as the
web-developer page that some one had made from intro posts, (forgot who,
sorry),  the CVS for the web page, developer specs, template files, ect..
Beyons this, the site could act as a hierarchy (which is more along your
line of thinking, I believe), linking the projects together with a common
look and feel.
One suggestion that we had talked about on a prior project (Freedows), was
to have each element have the same design elements, but change the
	Thus the Gnome site would heavily use the White backround, ect, where the
Developer site would have a 'tan' feel to it, but they would still use a
black menu design on the left, with the same images for navigation (or
whatever. This is just an example, of course, not a suggestion)
	The complient sites could use a logo system at some part of the site
(Part of the G-Family of websites) Think
	The other question is what to call it.. G family and GWorld have been
suggested, maybe some sort of GNUnification project, or some such.. We
could have  a meeting place for the developers (the G-spot).. Err.
	Does anyone else have comments? I think a set of Branded pages is the way
to go..
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