Re: Localization Structure Model

> Do you do translations? I do, and my opinion is that text files are
> _way_ easier. Just a couple of reasons:

no, i don't do translations.  however, i just seemed to me that teaching you 
average translator (your average translator isn't a computer person) to copy 
text to their favorite editor and paste the translation back to their into a 
form field is a heck of alot easier than teaching them to use cvs.

> * Translations can be used and updated from gnome cvs (with
>    all advantages of cvs like versioning)
versioning is a simple thing to implement with a db and we seem to have alot 
of db experience with a variety of databases on this list.

> * Existing gettext tools can be used (if that solution
>    is chosen)
> * Just a simple text editor is enough to do translations
>    (or would YOU like to be forced to do your coding in a
>    form field in a browser all the time?)
no, i wouldn't do programing in a browser at all.  i learned a long time ago 
that copy, edit, paste is a much simpler solution.  it has all the same steps 
as downloading the current version from cvs, edit, sync to cvs... 

> Do you realize that if we're speaking of all strings on the site (and we
> do, almost all strings should IMHO be translated) we're talking about a
> LOT of database queries here, even for simple pages? I cannot believe
> that this could be anything but much slower.
no, we're talking about a few (depending on your definitions of alot and a 
few) queries here even for fairly complex pages, but i get your point. i just 
don't think that it's all that much slower.

> MySQL uses ISO-8859-1 (latin1) everywhere by default. But I guess this
> is kind of bad for those languages that don't use ISO-8859-1.
thanks for the info.

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