Re: adding new info to GnomeVFSFileInfo

> To be precise, it is on my Todo list for enhanced permissions. Whether
> that will be there for GNOME 2.2 I cannot say, if only for the fact that
> I don't know when GNOME 2.2 is planned (If you need an example for
> ignorance at some time in the future, feel free to refer to me ;o).

2.2 feature freeze is planned for October 31st (see
Hmm, I guess I'll code the stuff I talked about in my previous mail when I find some time.

> After we have agreed on some very rough API (I still haven't received
> any feedback on what I babbled about before my vacation -- *hint* hullo
> list!),

Hehe, I know what it is like writing mails which aren't answered ;) I can't comment on that, I'm not really interested about that, so I probably won't have very interesting things to say about it.


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