[Fwd: LinuxWorld Expo Org Village Important update]

More info below about the Org Village from Brian.

Important things to note are that there will be no provisions for internet access, and there is only one power point.


* We need to make sure we bring relavent files and documents we need with us, as we probably won't be able to download them.

* Anyone bringing equipment needs to make sure they bring a 4 way power adapter (or similar) so that they have access to power if they need it!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: LinuxWorld Expo Org Village Important update
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:42:22 +0100 (BST)
From: Brian Teeman <brian uklinux net>
To: brian uklinux net

.Org Village

Today I have been able to finalise the layout of the Org Village and
exactly what you will get etc.

Unlike previous .Org Village that I have organised we are going to try a
more traditional expo layout this time, with each participant having their
own booth within the village. This is constructed from shell scheme (the
same stuff as all the other expo stands). However to maintain a village
atmosphere instead of having big walls between each booth the dividing
wall is ony 1m high. The back wall is the usual 2.5m

Each booth is equipped with the following

1. A single power point. (Please bring any 4 way power blocks you may
2. A lockable storage cupboard
3. A large oblong table (with some sort of cover)
4. 2 Chairs
5. Sign above the booth with your name
6. Poster on back wall of the booth with your logo

Stand Layout

|         |         |         |         |
|         |         |         |         |
|  OV1    | OV2     | OV3     | OV4     |                 ________
|_________|_________|_________|_________|__________               |
|       |       |       |       |       |         |               |
|  OV5  |  OV6  | OV7   |  OV8  | OV9   |  OV10   |               |
|       |       |       |       |       |         |        D17    |
|       |       |       |       |       |         |      _________|
|  OV11 |  OV12 |  OV13 | OV14  | OV15  | OV16    |
|         |         |         |         |
|         |         |         |         |
|  OV17   |  OV18   | OV19    |  OV20   |
|         |         |         |         |

OV1  PostgreSQL
OV2  Hula Project
OV3  Centos
OV4  Joomla!
OV5  OpenNMS
OV6  Mozilla Europe
0V8  ReactOS
0V10 Gentoo
0V11 OpenBSD
0V15 LinuxQuestions
0V16 EmDebian
0V17 Drupal
0V19 KDE
OV20 Karoshi
D17  Debian

There is NOT going to be any internet access in the Org Village. There is
a wireless hotspot downstairs by the cafeteria. It seems that the
organisers have been so succesfull at selling exhibition space that they
have not left ny room for the planned internet access computers etc

If you need to bring a vehicle to the expo for SETUP ONLY you will need a
car park pass. These are being strictly limited by the organisers. Please
let me know if you need one and the postal address to send it to.

Still discussing exactly how we are going to do this. Please let me know
exactly how many you will need and a post address to send them to. Please
only get passes for yourselves and not just attendees. They can register
for a free visitor ticket at www.linuxworldexpo.co.uk

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask me.

If for any reason you are not going to be exhibiting please let me know
NOW. There are people on a waiting list so it wouldnt be fair if you just
dont turn up and the space goes to waste.

Brian Teeman

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