Re: Clearlooks 2

2006/1/5, Lars Strojny <larsml strojny net>:
> Am Donnerstag, den 05.01.2006, 11:23 +0000 schrieb Thomas Wood:
> [...]
> > This is a slight concern, especially from a usability point of view. How
> > does the theme look with a large title bar font?
> Look good:
> Let's take the Clearlooks NG ;-)

But that is not the new version with the pixmaps, which looks like this:

As you can see, the icons do not grow larger. I hope this is
acceptable, because otherwise I'm really at a loss about how I'm
supposed to make the icons look good. And in a way this isn't really
different from menu icons, which don't scale either. That doesn't mean
that I'm not interested in improving the situation, I just doubt that
it's possible for current metacity without sacrificing a lot of visual


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