Re: [gnome-love] Re: Re: anyone wanna help with gnome-backgrounds

On 2003.08.30 13:37, Rodney Dawes wrote:
In response to Mark's mockup, and the other mockups he posted here
Luca, I have created a happy HIGificated mockup, of what the
tab in a "Desktop Appearance" properties capplet would look like.

Nice. The single dialogue with tabs is looking a liiittle too much like Windows to me though :-/

Not really. The filename is an almost useless thing to know when you
have a thumbnail being displayed. More interesting information might
be file size, aspect ratio, or the comment/title from exif data. It's
too bad people don't like html mails, because they can be useful.
I could put a mockup of a row in the list view, here.

Filename would be better. Otherwise a very probable scenario is a whole lot of images listed as "Made with GIMP". Possibly some external metadata where a user could name their background would be even more still ;-)

Trying to be clever doesn't work very well most times. You have to be
really clever instead. We should calculate some kind of action to do
in a programmatic way, different from what you suggest here, as a
default. However, we should store metadata in the list of images that
are in the list, for each image, to specify what method the user
actually prefers from an image, rather than having a global and trying to only be halfway smart about it.

Again with the metadata. I originaly didn't like the idea of metadata, but this is one place where is really is useful! Users' preference should always rule these.

The rules you propose are a good
start, but have a few immediate flaws. What do you do if an image is
just over 25% of the screen size, but still in the same aspect ratio?
Clearly you don't want to stretch it, unless you really like images
that are very pixelated. Center is actually used a lot, for the translucent png images, where you just set a background color, and the image is composited over top of it. What we probably want to do here, is add support for having the image in the 4 corners as well as the center of the screen. This would be useful for the default gnome config. We could just have a gradient, and a watermark foot in the bottom corner. There is a lot we can do here, we shouldn't limit ourselves to only being halfway smart if we are going to implement something like this. :)

Center and eight Cardinal points (N NE E SE S SW W NW ... four true and the corners that is)... don't limit use to the corners. And possibly add on top of that a tag that allows you to place the image precisely on the screen. This sounds a lot like the old e15 background editor, I know.

Storing backgrounds in ~/.gnome2/ sucks. Storing backgrounds in
~/Backgrounds makes more sense. This is where I put all of my
wallpaper images anyway. However, it may make even more sense to do something like $XDG_DATA_HOME/Backgrounds/, so that it becomes user- configurable, follows some sort of spec, and doesn't shove more crap in ~/.gnome2 or other dot-directories. It should be possible to drag and drop an image from a web page, or smb: share, or afp: share, or somewhere else completely random, and have it work. This is what gnome-vfs is for. However, since we can't reliably use gnome-vfs for setting the background image (may log in without network, etc...), we should save the image to a local store of images. Normal users don't need to think about it. That's what the program is supposed to do.

~/.gnome2/ is definitely not good. Background images are not settings, and shouldn't be hidden. I would go for system-wide in eg.
/usr/share/backgrounds/, metatheme-provided backgrounds in
(theme_dir)/backgrounds/, and then user backgrounds can be referenced on a per-URI or per-directory basis (with one default in, say, ~/backgrounds/) as specified by the user - all of this can then be sotred in a vfolder so that the user can de-select backgrounds they don't like, etc. Remote images could be cached?


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