Re: [gnome-love] Re: Re: anyone wanna help with gnome-backgrounds

On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 20:41, Mark Finlay wrote:
> Just blogged about this for anyone who's interested:

Good suggestions, I have a few comments:

- Using a thumbnail display is absolutely the way to go, but it should
also include the filename - or at least part of it

- I don't know about the idea of editing settings for individual
backgrounds, I don't think this would be entirely intuitive (altough it
is a smart solution). I think we should use "global" settings, but
attempt to set sensible defaults based in the image size:

    - Image is less than, say, 25% of the screen; tiled
    - Image proportion is roughly that of screen; stretched
    - Image proportion does not match screen: scaled
    - I think very few people actually use center, so manual only

- It should be possible for normal users to add backgrounds. One visitor
on your blog noted that storing copies of images in
~/.gnome2/backgrounds/ or whatever wastes a bit of disk space, and just
storing the path would be better. But most "normal" users don't want to
think about this, they just want to set the image as a background, and
then do whatever they want with the original image. But a "remove image"
option in a context menu or something could be a good idea.

Erik Grinaker

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