Introduction: Aditya Manglik


My name is Aditya and I am a final year Bachelor's student from Vienna. I am currently working on a thesis in computer science at TU Wien, specializing in Artificial Intelligence. I am interested in software engineering, operating systems and more recently, Deep Learning. Apart from studies, travel, hiking and swimming are favorites.

Linux has been my primary platform for past 7 years. I prefer working with Open Source Software because it's a lot more fun to break and fix something, which also helps in understanding what’s happening in the machine. You can ping me on IRC as carpediem in #usage and #gnome-hackers. I am happy to discuss and learn more about software, languages and computing in general.

Here is my SoC project page:

Being part of GNOME as a contributor feels great and I hope to continue contributing post the SoC period as well. A big thanks to my mentors, Felipe Borges & Christian Kellner for this chance. I hope that this project is useful for the community.


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