Re: GSoC Update: Week 3: GDOM

Good evening.

Here is my third status report for GDOM in the Google Summer of Code.

Completed this week
  • Spoke with Alberto Ruiz about progress so far and direction
  • Changed some of my class structure regarding Attributes as Nodes: added a VirtualNode: all libxml2 classes that are backed by an XmlNode* use DomNode directly, everything else uses VirtualNode
  • learnt a bit more about virtual and override methods :D  Finally get behaviour I want, instead of using new on method
  • now all nodes should know their owning document
  • filled out a lot of unit tests, for Document, and especially for Element and DomNode, for spec compliance.
  • finished implementing a lot of functionality for the above classes to pass their lovely tests
  • implemented a lot of Attr for its role in the DomNode test, but not its own test yet
  • made it compile
  • went on a school-related trip for Thursday through Saturday and plans for Internet availability were disappointed (the place we stayed at was having issues), so I wasn't able to push things regularly except when at a Starbucks
Next Week
  • I had wanted to get a test suite for Attr done this past week as well, but didn't, so that's now a priority for this week
  • figure out Document loading with respect to GIO
  • implement details for more of the other classes

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