Adding Positional Tags to Shotwell: Weekly Report 03


[NOTE: You can see a Spanish version of this mail in my personal blog, ]

One more week working on the first step of my project: write an usable interface for the Faces Tool. This week I've been working in the new classes that will make that interface work with the database, i.e. saving changes done with it. But I think that I will spend the next one doing the same task –but now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This first step is being larger than I thought and I have a delay of one week (and will be two weeks next weekend) but there is no problem yet because I had kept a buffer of two weeks in my initial timeline to prevent this kind of delay.

So, no problem yet but I'll have to work harder from now.

In the last report I linked a screenshot of the interface, now you can see a video:

Also, this week there was a change in the naming convention for the project. Instead of Positional Tags, the new tool will be called Faces –In documentation, in classes and objects in the source code and in the interface. Even with the counterpart of loosing the tool's generality ["using a feature called “Faces” to mark regions of lens flare seems counterintuitive, for example" –Lucas Beeler] Yorba team have decided that because this way the tool will be more concrete and more easy to understand. Again in words of Lucas Beeler (my primary mentor for this project and Shotwell's technical lead):

We think this sacrifice is worth it, however, because “Faces” is a more concrete concept in the mind of consumer-level users and will therefore be more easily understood.

By the way, this have contributed to my delay, since I have to build a new infrastructure instead of adapting the Tags one.

Nevertheless, I'll continue naming these weekly reports with the old nomenclature so this way they will be more easy to track by GNOME people.


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