Integrating GES in Pitivi :Weekly report 3 : Bindings nearly done, back to the formatter

Hi everyone.

Last week I reported troubles about the transitions in my formatter, this problem is now solved. I spent the beginning of the week fixing the argtypes in the bindings, this is now nearly done. I still have a problem with GstMiniObject argtypes, leaving me with 4 functions unbinded. I have cleaned up the historic of my bindings branch, completed the test suite and pushed a new version for bilboed to have a look at.

I have then worked again on my formatter branch, the transitions problem is now over, and I now have to add effect's properties' handling (i.e. for the "agingtv" effect, scratch lines pits and dust etc..), clean up the historic, fix the leaks and then I'm done. By next week I will have started integrating GES in pitivi.

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